Savings for Students (and Teachers)

When Rob goes away, I have to keep myself busy.  For the last week-plus I’ve been sanding, scraping, varnishing and painting the upstairs and planting the garden: projects that are eleven and three months later (respectively) than I meant to begin them, but at least they’re done now.  And, clearly, at the expense of my blog!

I promise to post something more meaningful soon, but I thought these bargains deserved their own private shout-outs:

  1. Amazon Prime: free two-day shipping and $4-per-item overnight shipping for a year, plus special sales and promotions.  $80 per year.  Or, if you have a .edu e-mail account, completely free.  No joke!  As of now, they’re saying it’s at least a one-year membership; they “might choose” to extend it. Either way, it’s quite a deal, and they have an alternate method for non-edu e-mail addresses.
  2. Scholastic Warehouse Sale: All educational materials are on sale, most around half of their normal price, through this weekend.  Search for a location (the closest to me is in Odenton) and click the “Sign Up” button to register and receive a coupon for an additional 10-25% off.