Easier and Prettier than Real Life

What do hopeful, excited teachers watch the week before classes begin?

Glee, of course.  It's a dramedy about high school teachers who reach out with quirky compassion to students who are talented and respectful and, after some good-natured banter and an emotional outburst or two, expressive of their deep gratitude for their teachers' dedication and love.

Put another way, it's Educator Pornography: unrealistic, airbrushed scenarios that show all the glory and none of the struggle.  But it's soooo seductive to watch -- to see the students growing, maturing and learning with their teachers instead of constantly being pitted against them.  It's fun to pretend, for 42 minutes at a time, that life is really that simple.  And there's great music, too: Broadway, classic rock, and lots of guilty-pleasure pop.  Not to mention, it's a nice foil for the last show we watched obsessively -- LOST was frighteningly intense, where Glee is gloriously fluffy.

The new season starts in a couple of weeks, by which time we'll have caught up -- so if you have a television and live nearby, watch out.  We'll definitely be inviting ourselves over!